Cool Tool | Reasoning Mind

CREDIT Reasoning MindA rigorous, coherent math curriculum for grades 2—6, Reasoning Mind introduces mathematical vocabulary and algebraic concepts in early grades to build a solid foundation for later algebra coursework. The virtual lessons replicate what happens in the world’s best classrooms; experienced, international teachers write hundreds of pages of documentation with mathematicians for each lesson. As students move through the curriculum, the artificial intelligence diagnoses student deficiencies in understanding and then reviews and reteaches those concepts. If additional intervention is needed, teachers provide data-driven instruction using the highly detailed student progress reports the system provides and spend up to five times more time on personal instruction using the system because it automates the administrative tasks of generating, grading and reviewing student progress and homework. Reasoning Mind also prepares students for Smarter Balanced and the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness with problem-solving and mental math strategies. Teachers are able to view highly detailed reports on the progress of each student in mastering each concept in the exam and can provide additional instruction and guidance to struggling students. See how it all adds up.

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