Cool Tool | ePals Experiences

CREDIT ePals Experiences flagHow do the traits of hummingbirds, geckos, and other animals help scientists design robots? What can bird’s nest soup tell you about Chinese culture? How do images, color and text work together to communicate ideas that can change the world? These are just a few examples of the high-interest, Experiences, or explorations, that students can work on collaboratively with peers in Afghanistan, Greece, Iceland, India, Italy and other countries around the world through the free ePals Global Community. A division of Cricket Media, ePals connects millions of students and teachers across 200 countries to reinforce culture, language, and subject-based learning. ePals Experiences “are designed to inspire, challenge and empower kids by opening their minds to new understandings and points of view,” says  Cricket Media CEO, Katya Andresen. “When they collaborate on language learning or other activities with peers in places like Thailand or Argentina, these personal connections foster the global awareness and empathy called for in the 21st century.” Check it out.

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